
Gay love, great art depicted

"Nijinsky" arrives

in Cleveland

Scheduled to open on May 16 at the World East and World West Theatres is Nijinsky, the first big, expensive Hollywood feature film to center around a gay relationship and depict it in a manner that is frank, straight-forward, sympathetic, and non-condescending.

Vaslav Nijinsky, the film's title character, became one of the greatest and most exciting ballet dancers of all time--largely by becoming the lover and protege of Serge Diaghilev.

Diaghilev, without being himself what is generaly thought of as a creative artist, had one of the greatest artistic minds of all time. A sponsor of literature, painting, music, and the dance, he was a genius at discovering great talents in others and in getting var-

ious artists to work together to achieve results that they could not have achieved singly.

Developing the Ballet Russe and introducing it to Western Europe in the early 1900s is the most famous of his many contri-

butions to the Russian arts.

1913 period, during which NijNijinsky deals with the 1912insky, guided by Diaghilev, was creating his greatest roles as a dancer in such new ballets as Petrushka, Afternoon of a Faun, and Spectre of the Rose.

Nijinsky is easily seen as a reworking of the famous 1948

British film The Red Shoes which

was inspired by the lives of Nijinsky and Diaghilev but had to change the dancer that the story

was about into a ballerina.

Williamson at Oberlin

Best-selling women's music recording artist Cris Williamson will be performing at Finney Chapel on the Oberlin College campus Thursday, May 15 at 8:00 P.M. The concert is part of Willi-

Cris Williamson

amsɔn's first national tour in four years to celebrate the release of her new album Strange Paradise on the Olivia label. Billed The Flying Colors Tour, it will include backup musicians June Millington on guitar, Jackie Robbins on electric bass and cello, and Cam Davis on drums. The Oberlin Col-

lege Gay Union is sponsoring the

concert but various other student organizations and outside agen-

cies are helping also. Tickets are

32 years later Nijinsky is allowed to have his actual sex back.

Nijinsky (played by dancer George De la Pena) is showr passionately involved with Diaghilev (played by Alan Bates). involved artistically, emotionally and sexually, without the film makers being overly self conscious about it.

Says Douglas W. Edwards in May 1 issue of The Advocate, "The nonchalance in the depiction of a homosexual relationship comes as a revelation. Here,

at last, with full studio backing, is a love story between two men, wrapped up in a sumptuous, elegant, appealing package likely to

attract a 'cross-over' audience."

Nijinsky was directed by Herbert Ross, who directed California Suite, The Goodbye Girl, Funny Lady, and The Turning Point.

Locations where Nijinsky was filmed included Nice, Monte Carlo, Sicily, and Budapest. Budapest was chosen to take advantage of its old cobbled streets and its Hungarian Art Nouveau architecture including the opera house, built in 1905, where Nijinksy performed.


George de la Pena, playing the title role in Paramount's new movie "Nijinsky," dances the role of The Golden Slave in the ballet "Scheherazade."

Top show at Henry's

By BAMBI FONTAINE Mist-A-Henry's, 2163 Payne Ave., Cleveland, presented a Benefit Evening With Isis and Diana Soul for the GEAR Foundation Building Fund on April 27th. A small but enthusiastic audience was present to see what was probably one of the

Fairmount Theatre of the Deaf to present "Half-baked Bride"

$5.00 and can be purchased at the door or advance from Oven The Fairmount Theatre of the Production in Cleveland, Kent GLF at Ken State. :d the OberDeaf, athe nation's first resident lin College Gay unioni. Free child professional theatre of the deaf, care will be provided and the hall will present "The Half Baked will be made accessible to Bride a play written by FTD's wheelchairs. For more infomaown Richard-Jarvis and Jonation call Marian Allen at 216/774thon Bank. The play is set in 18th 1408 or Becky Rose at 216/775-Century Colonial America and 5188. tells the fast-paced, hilarious story of the ill-fated marriage eve for two of the plays characters. It will be performed simultaneously in American Sign Language and soken English and is

Vocalist, pianist, guitarist, and lyricist, she combines elements of folk, rock, and jazz in her own style of music that is difficult to label Her musical roots lie in the South Dakota hills of her birth. Since the release of her album The Changer And the Changed on Olivia Records in

of fans throughout the country.

aged for deaf and hearing audiences of all ages.

Join us for an afternoon of fun und laughter The GEAR Foun-

Society for the Deaf will sponsor

best shows so far this year. A total of $120 was raised for the GEAR Fund.

Entertainers sharing the spotlight with our lovely hostesses (the Queen of the Nile--Isis Tif1977-79 Diana Soul) were Miss fany Soul Vereen, and Showgirl Gay Ohio Universe--Nikki Summers; Miss J.J.'s 1980--Kate Alexander: Miss J.J.'s 1st runnerup--Jamie Withers;

Mother of Them All-Big Mama: Thompson, live and direct from

the Sensual Seductress--Jenifer

Columbus, Ohio--Misty-Blue: a Sunday June 1st. 1980, 2:00 Claudette Knight and her Gents. J.J.'s Madame of the House-PM performance of "The Half-Lambda Awards Entertainer of Baked Bride or A Secret Wellthe Year--Cathy Craig; and a kept" at FTD located at 1925 special guest cameo appearance Coventry Road. Cleveland by Denise Simone Lights and Heights. Tickets will be $4.00 ech special effects were handled by for adults and $2.50 for students Stewart Moore with Eric serving Call the Hotline at (216) 621as audio technician. 23380 and leave reservation information (name. # of tickets. method of payment) for Dianne Fishman. Only 50 seats are available--so now For deaf and hearing impaired. call FTD (voice or TTY. (216) 932-2573) and give them your reservation Remember to say you are with BRSD so you can get the group

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This was definitely a "Best Of" show Isis let us know who was the boss. Kate Alexander talked dirty to the animals. Jamie Withers sang the Bambi Fontaine anthm. "Look at Me. I'm Sandra Dee." Cathy Craig gave another of her electrifying performances that she is so famous for And Denise Simone brought me to

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